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NaNoWriMo 2016

NaNoWriMo 2016

Hey! I thought I’d pop in and say hello! If you’re a writer and you’re participating in NaNo 2016, drop a comment and share your word count! We’re on Day 2! I’ve already got over 11,000 words written. Admittedly, I had a lot of the plot worked out and some rough draft text done…could not hold off starting that until November 1 or I’d have lost the flow, and as you probably well know–when you get in the zone, STAY IN THE ZONE!

Anyway, I just completed a HUGE project at work, it’s near the end of the day, and I thought I’d pop on the interwebs for a bit and see just what exactly 50,000 words adds up to when it comes to novels. For the record, it’s roughly 200-250 pages. I think mine’s going to be more than that because at this point, I have no intention of stopping at 50,000 words. That’s not really the point of NaNo anyway. What is the point? For starters, the point is just simply to WRITE!

I found a great article (*link at the end of the post) and as soon as I read this excerpt, I knew I had to share it here on my writing blog:

NaNoWriMo, then, did not shave time off of the process of writing my novel. So why bother with this hectic November ritual at all? I’ll explain.

Many writers, myself included, suffer from a gnawing perfectionism that can, at its worst, torment us over the placement of a single comma. Forget completing a first draft; perfectionists have trouble completing even a paragraph. NaNoWriMo forces us to ignore our incapacitating inner critic and keep going. The genius of NaNoWriMo is that it obliges us to (temporarily) lower our standards.

In the article, the author explains that even though she completed her first NaNo novel in 2007, it wasn’t actually published until 5 years and 15 drafts later. The excerpt above, though, is what I wanted to share because I know that I often have trouble motivating myself to write, and even more often, I get so frustrated when things aren’t coming out “perfectly” that I lose momentum, push the projects aside, and then have trouble finding my way back to them.

In this instance, in my case, it actually worked to my advantage because the NaNo novel I’m working on was sort of a perfect storm of sorts. I have written at least a half dozen stories going back about 20 years in the same genre (post-apocalyptic fiction), but I could never actually complete anything. A few weeks ago, when I started thinking about this year’s NaNo, I started reading through some of those stories–looking at my characters, my plots, my settings–and I started playing What If with myself:

  • What if I took this character and added her to this story?
  • And what if I took this story and made it the prologue to this one?
  • Oh, and over here I’ve got this made-up fanfic character with an interesting personality who doesn’t really fit anymore in my Supernatural fanfics…what if I stuck her in this story over here and did this?

Then, in the same vein, I looked at my fanfic stories and started wondering why they were so much easier to write than my own stories and realized a couple of things:

  1. the world’s already there;
  2. some of the characters are already there;
  3. I know and love these characters

So. Looking back at my new story, there’s my world, but these characters I’d created. I didn’t really know them…so I Googled their physical descriptions and found people to represent them in my mind’s eye…then created Twitter accounts for each of them and had them start tweeting each other. It wasn’t much; a few Tweets and I had their personalities in my head.

But now–sure, I’m 11,000 words in, but my book is a mess. The story’s there, the characters are there, but I have a lot of holes that I need to fill in–not holes in the story (I know exactly where the story’s going), but holes where I’ve put placeholders of what’s going to happen in that spot so I can go back and write it later since I’m on a freakin’ roll in another part of the story.

NaNo isn’t a miraculous “write-like-mad-for-30-days-and-publish-a-book-on-Dec-1” kinda thing. It’s more of a reminder to us as writers that sometimes the best way to get it done is to just do it–screw the formatting, screw the order, screw the punctuation, spelling, and grammar (totally hurts even typing that…), to hell with the flow and the neatness and the research (there are notes in my text to myself like this: RESEARCH 19TH CENTURY BATHTUBS, FOOL!).

To be a writer, sometimes you just have to write, and screw the “right” or “wrong” of it. THAT is what the point of NaNoWriMo is.

*Excerpt above from Doing 50,000 Words in 30 Days



So, I am gearing up for this year’s NaNoWriMo, and I am feeling so motivated this year, I can’t wait! I’ve got my story. I’ve got my muse. I’ve got the bones of my story outlined…sorta…most of it anyway!

If you’re not familiar with NaNoWriMo, here is the description from their About page:

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to creative writing.

On November 1, participants begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by 11:59 PM on November 30.

Valuing enthusiasm, determination, and a deadline, NaNoWriMo is for anyone who has ever thought about writing a novel.

National Novel Writing Month is also a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (formerly known as the Office of Letters and Light) that believes your story matters.

The NaNoWriMo Mission Statement:

National Novel Writing Month believes in the transformational power of creativity. We provide the structure, community, and encouragement to help people find their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds—on and off the page.

Are you planning to participate? If so, let me know in the Comments! If you’d like to add me as a writing buddy, here’s my profile page! I’ve been participating for nearly 10 years now, but I think this is the first year I’ve been this motivated and had a clear story in the works that I think – KNOW – I can finish!

Before I end this post, I thought I’d share a few links here that might be useful:

  • Discovering Your Writer’s Muse
    We could all use a little inspiration now and then, right? Sometimes all it takes is that one little push to get our creative juices flowing. Maybe it’s a photograph or a memory, a thought or a person; whatever shape it takes, your muse gives you the inspiration and the motivation to share their story. Find yours today!
  • Scrivener [NaNoWriMo Special Trial Edition]
    I’ve used Scrivener in the past, but this is the first time I’ve gotten it installed and ready to use before Nov 1. I am absolutely loving this software! It’s really helped me make sense of my very disorganized way of writing. If you’re like me and you write sections “out of the timeline” of your novel, this software is a great tool. Check it out, and be sure to search YouTube and watch a few basic tutorial videos to get started. This special NaNoWriMo version will continue working through December 7 instead of stopping at the 30-day mark as most trials do. So you don’t have to worry about the trial ending before the end of NaNoWriMo! Also, if you reach your goal of 50,000 words and “win” NaNoWriMo (completing 50,000 words is winning NaNoWriMo; it is not a contest), you can purchase the full version for 50% off (Windows version only; apparently, Apple doesn’t allow discounts?). And even if you don’t achieve your 50,000 goal, you’ll still be able to buy the software for 20% off! (Reg. price is $45 for the Mac version; $40 for the Windows version).
  • Word Count Helpers
    If you look in the top right corner of my site, you’ll notice I’ve posted a widget that will show my word count as I make my way toward my Nov. 30 goal of 50,000 words. You can grab the html code for the widgets from the link above. We writers sometimes need all the motivation we can get, right?

Finally, some inspirational quotes:


DMC 3 – If I Could Travel Through Time

DMC 3 – If I Could Travel Through Time

I’m experiencing some technical difficulties with my website, so I’m posting my challenge response on this site instead for now.

Let me tell you before we even get started here that I am a weirdo. Seriously, some of the things that pop into my mind leave my husband just scratching his head when I tell him. Asking a sci-fi/fantasy fangirl what period she’d visit if she had a time machine is like asking a kid which piece of candy they want in a candy store full of free candy, so I apologize in advance for whatever transpires on this page.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a voracious and insatiable appetite for knowledge. It’s not enough for me to know a thing – I need to know the why, the where, the when, the what, the how, and the who. It’s part of the reason I was kicked out of Sunday School when I was 5 – I couldn’t accept “because the Bible tells us so” as a definitive answer to my questions. I wanted – *needed* – to know who, why, what, where, when, and how.

I was fascinated by people like Leonard da Vinci, Michel de Nostredame (more commonly known as Nostradamus), Nikola Tesla, and other people who seemed so ahead of their times. Unlike a lot of people, I wasn’t just fascinated by the fact that they were so advanced; I wanted to know why…and how?? Were they merely forward thinkers? Were they travelers from another time? Or had they tapped into a fount of knowledge that exists somewhere to which we all may have access? [Told you I was a weirdo…these really are the directions my thoughts go!]

So if I had a time machine, I would want to go to every time period. Of course, having a time machine, I’d have all the time in the world – within reason, obviously. I mean, I’d still age, right? But I’d want to go to the very beginning of time to answer the age-old questions once and for all – How was the world created? Was it created by a big explosion? By a supreme being? Was it accidental? Just a series of chemical reactions? Or did some creature intentionally design our world? Of course, if it turns out that someone actually created our world and our universe, then I’d need to know – who was it? Where was this being from? Answers lead to more questions, right?

I would want to visit da Vinci. And Nostradamus. And Tesla. I’d want to sit and chat with them, find out where their knowledge came from. Were they time travelers? Were they tapping into the “collective unconscious”? Or were they just really really really smart?

I would want to visit significant events throughout human history – not to change them (I know that [a] it would probably not be possible, and [b] if it is possible, the repercussions of changing something could be detrimental) but to either just observe (like the Hindenburg disaster or Custer’s last stand) or to finally know what really happened, to see it with my own eyes. Did Lee Harvey Oswald really kill JFK? Or was there someone on the grassy knoll? Did Hitler really commit suicide on April 30, 1945 or did he escape justice?

I would want to head into the future, to visit various time periods in the future of our world, just to see “what happens next,” to know what our incredible or crazy humankind will become in the next fifty, one-hundred, one-thousand, one-million years… Will our compassion and humanity finally shine? Or will hate and intolerance continue to dictate our actions for the rest of mankind’s existence?

Finally, although I’d be very tempted, I don’t know if I could trust myself to visit my own past. To think of visiting historical places and events is one thing. Changing one historical event could have potentially catastrophic consequences. Who knows what the world would be like today if JFK had not been assassinated; think of all of the things that happened because of that one moment in time, and all the things that could be different. If I was to warn someone about the sinking of the Titanic, think of all of the people who perished aboard that ship who would have gone on to have lives and children and families and businesses. How would the world be different? I know I could restrain myself from changing something, from potentially setting off a series of possibly catastrophic events.

My own past, though? To see my father again, to visit him as a young man and convince him never to smoke – would that prevent his heart attacks later in life? What if he was on his way to a store to buy cigarettes when he met my mother? Would I even exist then if I convinced him never to smoke and he never went to that store and wasn’t there to meet my mother? I would love to see him again, just to see him…but I could not trust myself not to interfere. The stakes are far too great with historical events, the lives that would be altered if I changed a single significant event are too large a burden to bear. But my own life? I don’t think I could trust myself not to try to change it.

This was a fun challenge because it made me think about what I really would do if I did have a time machine. I’d go joyriding through history, no doubt about it…

Want to take part in the Discover Me Challenges and learn more about yourself while you do? Visit my friend Nichole’s site for details!

The Moon and a Star

The Moon and a Star

I found this posted on Tumblr and found it so touching that I had copied it down onto a piece of paper and had it stuck to the wall of my cubicle at work. The author is credited with a link to her blog beneath the poem. Just thought I’d share:)

they were once in love, the moon and a star,
both so glittering and bright that they illuminated the night sky.
but the star withered and died, collapsed into emptiness,
and the moon could not love it.
just as you cannot love me, my dear,
for not even your light can reach the darkness of my ruined heart

Spark Your Imagination

Spark Your Imagination

When I was a kid, I was bullied a lot and therefore spent a lot of time alone. Some of the greatest friends I had and the most exciting adventures I took part in were through words on a page. They took me away to places I’d probably never go, some of which don’t even exist other than in our imaginations.

I think sometimes readers read and writers write for much the same reasons – to escape to another place or time, to dream and experience things that are beyond their reach, to peel back the fabric of reality and peek at the unknown or the unbelievable, the impossible or the unreachable.

Jules Verne took me 20,000 leagues beneath the ocean; Jonathan Swift let me travel along with Lemuel Gulliver to lands of giants and lilliputians; Betty Smith let me experience the life of a simple girl in New York City through the Great Depression.

Stephen King scared the shit out of me with clowns and aliens and skinwalkers; JRR Tolkien introduced me to elves and
dwarves and orcs; HP Lovecraft reminded me that Cthulhu still waits dreaming…

And it’s not always fiction that opened my mind…Anne Frank broke my heart and made me wonder why humans are so cruel; Ann Rule showed me just how cruel people can actually be; Jim Morrison made me less ashamed to be strange because “five to one, baby, one in five; no one here gets out alive;” Kurt Cobain’s diaries made me realize that we don’t always know the whole truth about anyone.

I sometimes wonder if many authors realize the power they have in their pen or keyboard; how many minds they’ve set free just by putting pen to paper or fingers to keys.

Which authors sparked your imagination or gave you an escape just when you needed it the most?

And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole
world around you because the greatest secrets are
always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who
don’t believe in magic will never find it.
Roald Dahl


How about some writing prompts? Pick one (or two…or more!) and write something! See the menu at the top of the page if you’d like to have your writing posted on this site.

  • Use this plot: reporter arrives in town and asks odd questions
  • You wake up, go to the bathroom, and look in the mirror; a different face stares back. Begin your story here.
  • Include this line anywhere in a poem: “…the roughed coals languish long after midnight…”
  • Begin a story with the line, “The clock winked.”
  • Begin your story with this line, “It was the one thing he coveted the most.”